気合2023-01-10 :: kinamiRecently I have been feeling down. Apathetic. I have been struggling to do even the most basic of tasks, feelingcontinue reading →
Zest for life2022-04-28 :: kinamizest noun a piece of the peel of a citrus fruit (such as an orange or lemon) used as flavoringcontinue reading →
The 21:18 + 21:36 buses2022-04-21 :: kinamiWhen I am not able to take the 20:36 bus, the next best combination is taking a latter bus at 21:18 and stepping out midway to catch another at 21:36.continue reading →
Report 2 Electric Bogaloo2022-03-30 :: kinamiToday the bus smelled of garlic, and it reminded me that I am supposed to write here everyday. Don’t ask me why.continue reading →
Gan2022-03-24 :: kinami“C’mon, we’re gonna be late!” said Ylia, rushing her two companions through the crowded park. “You two haven’t even told me what we are supposed to be doing here,” complained Pol, stopping for a second to breathe.continue reading →