It all started with Strauss’s Radetzky March. Suddenly the overcast and slightly misty morning brightened a bit. A nice cup of coffee and things got some saturation. A productive morning of satisfying work and the overview of that I still want to do managed me lift me up even more.

As always, it came down to the small things. If I manage to notice them and appreciate them, everything changes. The whole view shifts. Yesterday I was completely apathetic and did nothing of note, even if I did do more in regards of work than in the entire last week. Today I worked with the same rate (or maybe a bit less) and enjoyed it immensely. And I worked on the exact same thing.

Life is how you choose to see it. And even if some days you don’t have much of a choice, or directly no choice, most of the days you do. You have a choice to see coincidences in every little thing. To enjoy the cool evening’s air. To close your eyes and relax for a bit. To help another person with something. To do you work well.

And this might be overly optimistic and excessively cheery, but I do think it is true. Life is full of these little choices that can become so much more than their sum. They multiply each other to make the world a better place to your eyes. And all it takes is a small effort. One good choice that can cancel out the bad ones.