Workin’ hard
For someone as lazy as I consider myself being, I do enjoy quite a lot working on stuff, especially if it poses a challenge. The intense concentration, the problem-solving, the trials and errors and the success when you least expect it, it all satisfies me in a way that nothing quite ever matches.
There’s nothing, in my humble opinion, that compares to a hard day of work, even if in my case it mostly thinking rather than moving heavy things around (although I’ve done my fair share of that too). I start with a problem, a hard knot of conditions, goals, methods… and I slowly work my way into its layers and the unique challenges they pose. And when all seems lost (which happens quite a lot), I often find a little headway, a hint, a new perspective, and everything unravels just to ravel again in a different way that gives me the motivation to start unraveling again.
It is so satisfying to end, be it done or not, to look back at all that I’ve done, and contemplate the long journey behind me. To know that I have worked hard. To rest, knowing I did my best out there in the battlefield., and to start again, full of renewed forces and motivation, and maybe a new insight into the knot.
In conclusion, it feels real good to work hard. It feels amazing to be able to concentrate on a single thing, to give it all I got, to fight for it for a long time. And it feels nice when the hard work pays off and I can look at what I have done with pride.